Lt. Colonel Blaine E. Escoe
(very much still alive, in case the title gave you the wrong idea ....)
I'm not really sure how to write this post without sounding bitter and resentful and angry and hurt --- because those are all adjectives that describe me right now -- and have for a while. (I suppose this is the part where I confess I have been keeping a secret.)
Today is Blaine's last day as an Air Force officer. Last day in the military --- last day active-duty anything.
Not by choice.
He is being forced out -- a non-voluntary medical retirement.
Cancer has fucked us yet again.
And while I'm trying very hard not to bear ill will towards the military, which gave us almost twenty-two wonderful years ............... well, I am, just a bit.
I don't want to type the details today, because in my current emotional state, I would probably spew forth all kinds of ugly talk, and that's really not necessary. Suffice it to say Blaine is devastated, and it is hard for me not to feel ugly about it, on his behalf. There will be no retirement ceremony ... no one from his office has offered to throw a party .... this is not a celebration.
We've known for quite a while, and kept it a secret from almost everyone. Not sure if that was good or not because it gave me more time to stew. More time to focus on how unjust and unnecessary I feel this is ... more time to watch the events unfold, and see him hurt.
I'm hoping when the dust settles and we have our ducks in a row I will have a better attitude about the entire situation.
But for now, I'm going to put on my bitter pants and wallow. At least for a while.
I'm proud of you, honey. Twenty-one years and seven months of military service, without so much as a hiccup on your record, is something to be proud of. You be proud, too, and hold your head up.
Kristy - I am so sorry!
That is just not fair!
I will be mad with you! You guys surely don't deserve this!
I hope this won't effect his on going medical care.
Take care, and try to have a good weekend.
Kristy, I'm so sorry. I work for the govt too, not the military but still. I know how they can be. I've seen it happen. I'm sorry.
I'm going to keep it positive and upbeat, in spite of the crappyness that is your situation.
Congratulations, Blaine, on a fantastic 21+ year career. And more importantly, THANK YOU.
W. Palm Bch
Congratulations and a big thank you to all of you for serving our country for 21 years!
Gayle in AL
Thank you for serving our country, Blaine.
I am sorry this is happening how it is. I will be praying for a governmental softening of hearts.
Wow, there are almost no words to describe how unfair that is. You are completely justified in being bitter; I'd be bitter too. I have no words of wisdom for you other than wallow away and know that the decision-makers are the losers in this situation and they have to live with that crappy decision.
Chin up,
I am sorry. Truly sorry. Here is a man who is willing to defend his country. An honorable man. A man to be proud of. How blessed our country is to have men like him. It is OUR loss. Job well done Blaine. Job well done.
So sorry, Kristie. I'm having a hard time understanding why they've chosen to force Blaine out, b/c he will still be entitled to full medical benefits, right?
It's always harder when someone else makes the choice for you. After you get over your hurt & bitterness, I hope you will be able to find something good to come out of the situation. But for now, you keep those bitter pants on until you feel better.
Please thank Blaine for his service to our country.
My Dad had a fully miltary retirement after 22 years: Lt. Col, USAF (Ret.) blank blank. (Then he became an airline pilot so now technically he's Captain, Lt. Col, USAF (Ret.) blank blank. Whew.) I have to say that I'm just as proud as Blane's retirement & accomplishments as my Dad's. He served our country well. Shame on the military for this decision.
Oh! I should learn to proofread. Blaine not Blane. I'm sorry!
I am sorry. I didn't realize the military did this type of thing, I thought that this was simply part of corporate America.
Regardless, thank you Blaine for your years of dedicated service and thanks to your family for supporting you and encouraging you all these years.
I've watched you battle an enemy for years that is every bit as strong and fierce as any on the traditional battlefield both as an individual and as a father. You are a hero to me.
The Escoe family ROCKS!
I am so sorry. I can't think of anything else to say. I'm shocked.
Blaine - be so proud of all you have accomplished. I am so honored and thankful that you so unselfishly gave of yourself to protect me and my country. Thank-you for your service.
I'm truly sorry. It IS our loss, too, as Nonny said. Yet another casualty of "friendly fire", with the beauracratic pen as the weapon. Job well done on your part, Blaine. Kristie, if writing a letter can help in any way, put the info out there, because I'm game.
WTF? All I can say is there is something bigger and better out there for you Blaine! Thanks for serving our country all those years! I'm so sorry to hear the way this is all going down, not fair at all! Hugs from Fort Worth!
I'm sorry for the injustice of this situation because Blaine is obviously the bravest of the brave! Please accept my thanks and gratitude and certainly my congratulations on your service to our country!
from Nebraska
Blaine ~ THANK YOU for serving our country for 21+ years! The force-out is stinky though and I'd be mad as hell too, Kristie. That's our government for you....'nuff said.
Well I want to say thank you to Blaine for serving our country for 21 years and thank you to you and your family for being there to support him and for pretty much serving with him. I am so sorry that he (and you guys) are being treated like this.
You should be mad and hurt. I'm sorry the military were being asses.
Thank you, thank you for serving in our armed forces for 21 years. As a citizen, I appreciate the many sacrifices you and your family have made for me and for my family.
God's blessings and healing upon you,
Blaine, thank you so very much for your service to our country and for defending the rights I hold so dearly. You should be so proud.
Kristie, thank you for the years of dedication you have shown as a military wife. You sacrificed and moved your family many times all for the greater good.
Now, allow me to be selfish for a moment...don't ever do that again---put "The End" in the title and your husband's photo with his official name and rank as the caption. I can't be the only person who nearly fell off my chair thinking this was something much worse.
Oh, Kristie. I am so sorry this is happening to Blaine and your family--because we all know that what happens to the military member happens to their families. I will be thinking about y'all and praying. I know firsthand what you are going through and it's just MADDENING to know you can't do anything. Well, you can be there for him, but that just doesn't seem to be enough at times like this, does it? Hang in there and give me a call or shoot me an email if you want to vent (and bad words do not bother me a bit).
We are so grateful for all of his years of service. I hope this can somehow turn around into something positive for you all, but right now, it sucks.
Thank you Blaine. Thanks for the hard work you have done to keep this country a free and safe one. Thank you.
Please tell your husband that a family in Southern Cal deeply appreciates his commitment to our country. We will raise our glasses tonight and toast your husband. And send a pox to whomever made such an asshat decision.
Truly sorry that this has happened. I have seen this happen to many times, but due to the age of the person. Once you turn sixty, Uncle Sam feels that you are no longer fit to serve. This has forced my father and to many others to retire many years before they are ready to be retired. The only good thing that came out of the "forced retirement" - they were eligible to collect unemployment (this was 9 years ago).
Thank you, Blaine for your many years of service on our behalf. And thanks to the rest of the Escoe Family for supporting you. It's not often enough to get to recognize and acknowledge those people who have kept us safe and out of harm's way. I'm just sorry this retirement wasn't on your terms, as it should have been.
Thank you Blaine. Three little words that don't hold much solace but are truly heartfelt.
Thank you for being a warrior to protect the freedoms so many of us take for granted.
Thank you for the sacrifices you have made, the time spent away from your precious family and your willingness to continue serving while facing the battles with cancer.
To say "it's their loss" sounds trite, but it is true - Men like you with character, integrity and perseverance are a rarity and sure to be missed.
Good luck to the entire Escoe clan as you approach this new phase of life.
ps: been lurkin' for years - had to share this time. Kristie - that fiery sprit of yours is amazing!
Dear Escoe Family -
I hope that this situation, as hard as it is right now, will unfold itself into a wonderful opportunity out there waiting to happen for you. I'm sorry for the way this has happened - I wish we had some place to send a complaint to. Our country needs men like Blaine to stay in place and do what they do - even if they are working through medical difficulties. So, like Christie said - hold your head up, be truly proud of yourself and see what is out there. Whatever you do, you will be successful. You've got the full support of family and friends behind and with you.
God Bless,
Thank you for all that you have done for our country for the last 21 plus years. You should be extremely proud of yourself. And, all I can say is we are so very proud of you.
Oh my God. I burst into tears reading this. I am pissed and disgusted at your behalf. WTF? A men gives 22 years of his life and this is how they treat him? All these years of dealing with cancer and showing up for work through treatments. I am so, so sorry.
Lt. Colonel Escoe: Thank you from my heart for your 22 selfless years serving our country. God bless you, sir.
I am so sorry they are forcing Blaine into retirement...it is not fair.
I am so sorry they are not giving the send off he so deserves. 21 years of dedicated service deserves something!!
I hope, like you say, when the dust settles that this turns out to be a "blessing in disguise", but for now...feel free to bitch. You have earned the right.
Milford, CT
PS Thanks, Blaine, for your dedicated service to our country.
Forgot to add, I guess our POTUS needs to pay for his civil defense army somehow, grrrr.
Thank you so much for your 21+ years of service to our country! You are a true American hero and that title can never be taken away from you!
Blaine, you are a HERO!!! Thank you for your service and dedication!
Kristie, I'm sorry....
We love you guys!!!!
From one military family to another - THANK YOU! 21 plus years is certainly nothing to scoff at, it's a grand accomplishment.
& Kristie I'd be just as pissed as you are. In fact I was a couple of weeks ago but under different circumstances. The military sure does know how to stick it to you so that it benefits itself. Sorry for the forced retirement but remember the cliche - When one door closes, another opens :o)
I wish you guys the best in all future endeavors. And thanks again for all the sacrifices made for our country.
Hugs to you and your family. I will be praying for you. My sister has just had a similar thing happen (not for medical reasons) and I know the hurt and betrayal she is working through at the moment, so I know it must be the same for you. I am sure there is something even better out there for him and all of you!
Tell Blaine his family is behind him
We love him
Wow, I am shocked and saddened but that's all I can say right now. I just don't have the words yet...I'm so sorry..and YES, you should be proud. Thank you Blaine for all those years of wonderful service to our country. Thank you..
I got a bit teary reading your post...cancer sucks....the end....I'm so sorry your family has to endure another side affect of cancer.
Blaine...thank you for your service. Truly. Thank you!
Thank you so very much for your dedicated service to our country and to all the sacrifices you've made on our behalf. This is a sad day. But please know how much my family and I sincerely appreciate your service. And I can't even begin to tell you how glad I am that you are still alive! That title with your photo . . . . well, I had a mini heart attack.
Oh Kristie and Blane...congratulations on almost 22 years of service to our country....BUT what a crock of whooey...I mean really...UGH...so mad...I mean really...
big hug to ya's
Thank you, Blaine, for your 22 years of service to our country. I wish you were retiring with the pomp and circumstance you so deserve.
Wow. Total suckage. But echoing all the other posters, thank you for your 21 years serving our country. We are proud of you and wish you all the best in your "retirement". Hey, maybe you can take up scrapbooking with Kristie! or not...
I'm so sorry to hear this. Please say a huge "THANK YOU" to him, from me, for his service.
I am so proud of Blaine and you (the military wife) for serving our country.
It does SUCK to have to leave like that instead of getting to retire like you had planned!!
I was laid off right before I was to return to work after having cancer surgery....I know how it feels!!
I hope you get to keep all your medical benefits and other military benefits!!
There are just some things I don't get....
Blaine - enjoy the retirement...forced or not!!!
Well, that just sucks big time! Thank you, Blaine (and Kristie)for your years of service and sacrifice. You have a right to be bitter and pissed off. I will keep you in my prayers for Blaine's cancer to be healed completely and for a wonderful opportunity to come your way.
Sheila in MN
I'm sorry for you both. There's got to be a 'plan' somewhere in this...
Take care -
Patti B.
I am so sorry for Blaine and you...What a disappointment
Thank you for your 21+ years of service, Blaine!
Thank you for keeping me safe for 21 years.
I am sorry. You are a wonderful family who doesn't deserve another CRAP sandwhich.
Thank you, Blaine.
Aw, man. That brought tears to my eyes.
Thank you, Blaine, for protecting my family and me for all these years.
That is just terrible! I'm so sorry... I hope you show him all of our thank-you's because they are sent with love, prayers and appreciation.
Meg from Ga
Oh I am so sorry to hear this. Just so sorry.
I too hope with time there is some light here.
My father was forced out as well, not for his medical reasons but my mothers, long story.
It is so hard when they give so much of themselves. Ugh.
Tell Blaine to have a drink or whatever on me
Blaine -
Thank you for your years of service and dedication. I wish you all the best, and a great, exciting new chapter in your life.
Long time lurker- rarer commenter, but today I wanted to comment and say:
Thank you Blaine for serving and protecting my freedoms and my country for the past 21+ years.
May God bless you and your family.
I'm so very sorry that the retirment didn't come at your choice.
I feel that I must say something in defense of the military. The military has an obligation to have all troops battle ready...meaning that everyone serving should be ready and capable of going to battle at a moments notice. Unfortunately, the medical issues that Blaine has had to deal with makes him not fall into the catergory of being battle ready.
However, I do agree with all of you that this totally sucks. Same thing happens to our veterans that come home from war, having lost a limb or sight...they are forced out. I totally think that there needs to be some sort of department that our wounded and sick service members who are not ready to stop serving their country can work.
Anyway, with that being said, I would too Kristy be mad and feel, at the very least betrayed even with knowing the way the military works.
Thank you Blaine for your many years of unwavering service through good times and bad. And thank you Kristy for serving also. Being an military wife myself, I know how it can utterly suck at times. God Bless!
how dare they! honestly...eff them. very importantly...what happens about medical insurance now? i hope blaine isn't going to get screwed over in that aspect. eff them!!!
The title about gave me a heart attack. But seriously, I am very sorry for Blaine, I know he's served proudly and well.
Debbie E.
My cousin got a similar crap sandwich of a "retirement" due to cancer - I don't understand, it only adds insult to injury.
My heart goes out to you and Blaine, and his years of service are definitely appreciated.
All my sympathies, but also ALL my thanks for Blaine's 21+ years of service to our country.
OK, first, you did totally freak me out with your title and a picture of Blaine. But, this just sucks, frankly. I can't believe it. Wallow away--you deserve that luxury.
Kristy I know how hard it is to watch your loved one place that uniform on one last time. That was very hard for Darryl. After 20+ years they feel like they are leaving a piece of them at the office. Who are they without the uniform?? Darryl has had the first summer off in his life!! He has loved taking care of the boys all summer!! He NEVER took me for granted once in all the years I was a stay at home mom. After the first week of being home he was like "This is the hardest job EVER!" There is life after the Air Force and you will find the perfect thing for y'all! Just like you always do.
Blaine you're a great Officer, man, husband and dad! You will ROCK in your next chapter of your life!
Blaine, to put it simply, THANK YOU for your service to our country. Our military and our country are better for you having donned a uniform.
I know that this can't be an easy time for you, and you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.
Dear Blaine and Kristie,
I cannot read your post without tearing up. I want you both to know just how much I appreciate your service - 21+ years is something to be proud of... and more importantly "Job Well Done!" Thank you for your years of service to our country.
I'm sorry that it has ended so abruptly and without the fanfare that should accompany such a term of service. There is no justification for it and I apologize for this incredible slight by the Army.
I hope that the years to come will be filled with success in whatever you choose... as well as full of incredible family time!
With love and the highest respect,
Not fair, not fair, not fair. I want to scream and pout with you...I'm so sorry.
And I want to say 'Thank you' to both of you for your sacrifice the past nearly 22 years. I know military life is demanding at times and certainly your life is not your own to plan out. We appreciate your service! :-)
Patricia, GA
You are not alone. My bro-in-law was recently discharged from the Air Force after serving faithfully as a JAG for over 25 years. He ironically suffered from a nagging non-work threatening injury which occurred during a 6 mo tour in Baghdad. Not sure what the shake up is, but the AF seems to be cutting the core of the organization. We all should be worried. Thank you Blaine for your service to our country.
Lt. Col. Blaine E. Escoe: Thank you for your service to our country for the past almost 22 years. May you find peace and healing in your retirement.
Kristie, Brayden, Kellen and Kendrie: Thank you for the sacrifices you have made as your husband and father served our country. May your lives be enriched by life's experiences.
Thank you Blaine, for your service to our country. We need more people like you in this world. I am very very sorry that you and your family are not being treated the way you deserve.
That is one amazing husband you have there and I am so sad that these are the terms of his retirement.
Thank you Blaine for serving our country and you Kristie for being such a loving wife.
Oh my goodness...I think I aged about 15 years with that title. Nonetheless, the untimely end to a career sucks, too. Thank you, Blaine, for your service to our country!
Thank you for giving of yourself for over 20 years so our country could be safe.
My uncle is a retired Air Force colonel, so I have a little understanding of what a military family goes through. You are the real heroes in this world.
This is one of those times that really make you question the decisions being made in our country.
God bless you all!
Dear Mr. Escoe,
I tucked my 3 kids in bed tonight with the tale about a brave man who served our country with honor for almost 22 years.
Our 15 year old responded with talk of serving our country just like you.
Our 12 year old responded with even more determination of growing up to become an oncologist. It has been his dream since he was 7.
Our 8 year old, who's a cancer survivor like you said, "now he can go fishing and sleep late and just be happy."
Thank you so much for serving our country!
Woodall family in AL
My DH also retired earlier than he wanted to. On one hand, the Coast Guard did keep him on active duty until Marielle went OT, thus providing us very needed medical benefits during her treatment. And, as you know, they are good benefits. With more than 20 years in, you'll have them for life, another plus.
But, on the other hand, this is a stinkingly shitty economy and Ralph has worked all of 5 months of the last 17 months, since he retired and those 5 months were out of state, in Alaska, the only place he could find work.
Now, my DH had 34 years in, but only 15 on active duty, so no pension or benefits....
I know this is a tough time and I remember having to temper my words, not wanting my bitterness to affect my DH along the way professionally.
Ok, what I"m saying is you don't have to write it, I have a darn good idea of the way you feel.
So sorry it ends this way...
Lt. Col. Blaine E. Escoe: - You don't know me (obviously!) but THANK YOU for your many years of service... and I'm sorry that things turned out this way...
Actually, thank you to your entire family!
I'm so sorry to read this news. I echo many, many others who wholeheartedly thank Blaine for his service to our country and commiserate with you both on this awful situation.
Mary Z
I don't get it -- couldn't they just put him on a leave of absence type thing while he undergoes treatment?
Please, please, please tell me this doesn't leave Blaine and the whole family without medical insurance!!
I'm so sorry that after 20+ years of good service, the military treated him this way. So not fair.
Hey, you don't think it's the name of your blog that's jinxing your family, do you? :-)
Hang in there!
I have never known a man as humble and faithful as he is....as dedicated and loyal as he is or as strong and steadfast as he is.... that being said lets have a party and celebrate this hero!!! Please tell me when and where. We will be there!
Thank you, Blaine, for your service to our country. THANK YOU!
Congratulations on a job well done Blaine. Tell us more when you feel up to it Kristie, you know your cyber friends are here to support you all. I hope and pray you keep all the medical benefits for Blaine, surely the government can at least do that for you all.Love and prayers.
I think I've only commented here once before, but this one's worth breaking the lurk...My dad was forced out after 18 years because of medical issues, budget cuts and warnings that something like only 1% of his grade were going to be promoted (major, US Army). They managed to get full retirement and benefits on disability (he's classed at about 85%, if I'm not mistaken), but it was ridiculous. This was in 1992- it's sad to see how some things don't change.
I'm proud of my dad. And everyone should be proud of Blaine. It's not an easy job, even without the medical issues.
Blaine, thank you so much for your service to our country. I am forever indebted to the men and women of our armed forces.
Kristy and Escoe children, thank you as well.
Blaine.. thank you. Thank you for continuing to serve our country, and us, while your daughter fought cancer and while you fought your own battle. We need so many more.. just like you.. to feel safe and to be secure. Thank you seems inadequate, but it's all I can say.
Kristie, I'm sorry that you have to see him hurting. When the ones we love hurt and feel betrayed, it's like a knife in the gut. This must have been so hard for you to keep inside... When I asked you to help me find your crap sandwich entry, I had no idea that you were being served ANOTHER big one!!
Please just know that both of you are in my thoughts and prayers. I have been following your family for so many years.. and I feel like a member of my family has suffered a loss!!
As a military wife and former active duty AF member as well, I empathize. This feels very unfair and my heart goes out to you.
Thank you for serving, sir. Your commitment to our AF core principles is what we should all strive for.
I read your post and was instantly angry on your behalf. (And, by the way, there is nothing like hurting a child or husband to make a woman mad.) Anyway, I read everyone's comments, and I realized maybe it's better to be encouraging than stirring up the anger. I add my thanks to Blaine for serving in such a dignified way. Maybe the people he works with are not throwing a party, but we as your blogger family are celebrating all he did in his service. As much as you don't want another chapter to begin, I'm sure it will be filled with many amazing adventures.
I am so sorry. But Blaine should be so proud for such a wonderful job he has done!
I am so sorry Kristy. That is just wrong. Congratulations to Blain for his dedicated service to our country and to us, it's citizens. I'd like to add a thank you from the bottom of my heart too.
I hope once the bitterness and anger subside you can have a party. You all deserve it!
I am so sorry it has to be this way.
Blaine - Thank You for many years of faithful service.
Kristi & kids - Thank you for letting him serve our country.
Many this be one of those times that when one door closes another door opens.
God Bless!!
That really does suck I'm so sorry, Kristie. There are a lot of things the military does that I don't agree with (don't get me wrong - I do appreciate and love the military)...but why they do things like that, I just don't know. Hugs.
I'm sorry that this happened to Blaine. It's not fair. My prayer is that you will be able to look back on this and see it as a great blessing - that there is some other opportunity that will arise that will be better than you could even imagine. I pray this comes true. Your family deserves all that and more.
Thank you Blaine for all of your years of service to our country.
Lisa C.
Dear Escoe Family,
Thank you for giving of yourselves for the last 22 years to support Blaine in his career.
Blaine, Thank You for supporting the military and our country. It is never easy, but I'll bet that the officer in you demanded that you lead your family through those years in the best way given the circumstances. And you will do it this time as well. I have no doubt and every belief that you will.
We have been through one painfully, personal, unjustified, political firing. Then four years later a job loss through an incredible company implosion (remember a little company called "Enron?") and each time the new opportunities were better than what we had before! This is my hope and wish for you!
Take care, regroup and throw your own party because the best is yet to come!
Blaine, thank you for your dedication to the security of our nation. I hope that this closing (or should I say slamming!) of a door merely prefaces the opening of an amazing window.
Blaine, thank you for your service to our country. You have certainly earned a rest. We hope you enjoy some time doing the things you love most, find your passion and launch a new career in that passion.
To the whole Escoe family, thank you for all the support you have given. A military family serves alongside their soldier. Thank you!
We wish you all good health and happiness!
i'm so sorry. this is just wrong. i'm thinking of you kristy.
and thank you to your hubby for his service
Thank you, Blaine, for your 22 years of service and dedication to our country. We are better for it.
Well dang! That just sucks! I'm sorry for everything the crap sandwich called cancer has put your family through...
Blaine, I hope you know that there are an awful lot of Americans grateful for your service. Our freedom is secure b/c of you and people like you.
Hugs from our family to yours!!
Tre', Jenny, Izzy, and Chip
Time to make some lemonade to go with those crap sandwiches.
Thank you Blaine for your years of service to our country. You are a Hero in more ways than one in my eyes. I too have suffered oral cancer, not to the extent of you though and I keep my head up thinking about all that you have been through. If you can plug on after what you have been through so can I.
Even though your retirement was unexpected and earlier than expected please take advantage and enjoy the heck out of it. YOU DESERVE IT.
Dear Escoe family---
I really didn't know the military did "forced medical retirements" and I am so sorry. Your family has served proudly for 21+ years and I am truly grateful for it. I have been following you for years and I know this will not get you down. It is just a bump in the road, "Not quite what you had planned", or not at all what you had planned, but hold your head high and move ahead. I agree that you should take this time and find your passion and go forth with it.
I am so sorry this has happened to your sweet family.
Wendy in Winder, GA
Sorry for another crap sandwich being sent your way. I know a lot of prayers are coming your way. Hopefully those prayers will help take some of the bitter taste out of that sandwich.
Blaine, you will always be an Air Force officer in my eyes. (and a hottie with a nice butt too ;-)
I know you will have many more new adventures ahead of you....
Thank you for your selfless service. I am an Army brat and am always humbled by the men and women who keep our country free. Your time was appreciated and not without sacrifice. Thank you, thank you, thank you... I just wish it was ending on a different note.
Oh Kristie...... I was so disturbed when I first read this post that I couldn't see through my tears to comment. (Made that mistake already on Facebook.) To say that this is unfair is an understatement. If Blaine were in another line of work, it would be illegal for his employer to fire him for medical reasons, right? Yet, it's okay for our govt. to do so? The whole thing makes my stomach turn.
Blaine, as the others have stated, thank you so, so very much for your service to our country. I can imagine how tough the news must have been for you and Kristie, but, in the grand scheme of life, you guys have so much to be thankful for, especially the love that you share. I have been praying faithfully and have faith that though this chapter of your life has come to a close, the Lord has bigger and better plans for your future.
In Christ,
Congratulations and a huge thank you, Blaine from this family in Seattle. We sleep better knowing there have been heroes like you keeping watch. Twenty-one years is a stunning accomplishment.
Thank you again from the bottom of our hearts to you and the whole family!
Oh Kristie, I am so sorry for you guys....Be angry and bitter all you want. You have every right to be! I hope this doesnt affect you alls health insurance in any way. ((((hugs))) to everyone!
i am sorry and hope only the best for your husband.
Blaine - thank you for your many years of service protecting our country. I wish there were more selfless people out there like you. I'm sorry about what is happening. The military should be more appreciative of your dedication!
Blaine, you are AWESOME! Thank you for all of your sacrifices in service.
Hey Kristie,
Serving in an area not anything like the Air Force, but similiar in that much service is involved as well as putting up with more stuff than one could ever imagine, my sympathies go out to you. I know that it is hard to be forced to give up something that you really enjoy especially when you're not ready, but know that everyone in all your circles (blogs included) are VERY appreciative of what Blaine has done for the past 21 years, seven months. Problem is military men and women are never given the appreciation that they deserve. yes, I hear all cilivians bless them and stand when they enter a place in procession or whatever, but too me that is never enough. Know that you and your family are in my prayers. I think that is awful that nothing is being done for Blaine because even though it is NOT voluntary it is STILL a retirement and he SHOULD be honored.If I lived close enough to y'all and knew y'all better, I'd see to it that he'd have a proper retirement party! Hang in there and take care. Y'all are TOPS in our book!
Blaine,Thank you for all your years of good service to our Country.It's to bad our Country was not as good to you. I'm sorry.God Bless,Jennifer
How can they do that??!!
After sacrificing so much to serve our country.
Thank you Blaine for serving our country. I agree with so many other commentors.
You are a hero!
I hope your husband still has his health ins benefits. Because if he does not, I personally will write to the President along with every single reader of this blog.
That said.
Enjoy your time. My husband was on full time disability at one point and it was like having a house husband. He was home all day, we could go out in the afternoon when the kids were still at school and grab a coffee and chat; we spent oodles of quality time as a family. So I hope you can do this, too.
Your husband should be honored for his service and I hope that happens.
Take care, Kristie.
Blaine...those of us who know you know how totally dedicated and loyal you are to the Air Force. More importantly, you know and your wife and kids know. At some point (hoping sooner than later) that is what will matter most. You are a true officer and a gentleman and it truly is a loss for the AF.
We are sad for you, but more importantly proud of you. You did your country well!
All our love, The Warcholiks
Somewhere there must be some great reward waiting for your family because what you are enduring on earth has been nothing short of abominable.
Thank you Lt. Col. Escoe for your service to your country. And thank you Kristy for your faithful support so he could serve.
Can a non-military person salute a military person? If so, here's a salute to Blaine. And if not, well, here's one anyway. And while I'm at it, here's a salute to you, too, Kristie.
Claire in Indiana
First of all, let me wipe away the tears. Ugh! Not fair!
Okay, now that the angry stuff is done, let me just add this.
Blaine is and will always be an AF officer. Nothing will ever be able to take that away. It is part of his being and will continue to be so for the rest of his life. 21+ years of honorable service to a nation that doesn't always get what we go through is a distinction few have and one to always be proud of.
I understand your bitterness, frustration, etc...AF life isn't perfect and at times good people don't get the results they deserve. I'm sorry Blaine's AF career has ended on this sour note. He truly does deserve better.
I've always said you and I would be friends if we had ever been stationed together. Know this, I'd throw you both a big old party and celebrate 21+ years of faithful service and a job well done for an amazing couple.
So...thank you, to Blaine, you, and your children for serving your country and for being a shining light for all you enounter. The AF and this country are the richer for it.
(a fellow LtCol wife of 19 years ,formerly of McChord, now at Ramstein AB, Germany
Im so sorry Blaine.......as a past military wife I thank you for all that you have done for our country and for all the sacrifices you and your family have made. I wish I could understand the militay wisdom in doing this but I dont. They still have to furnish you medical benefits and retirement so what is the point in not having you work? I am very glad for you and Kristy that if this was going to happen that you are all back home. I hope that you find a great new path that you will enjoy and that this ends up being a blessing in disguise! You all deserve one!
Blaine and Kristie, I'm so very sorry. This just freakin' sucks!!!
Susan in MN
I am sorry that the military is doing this to Blaine after his almost 22 years of serving our country!!!!!I will be mad along with you!!
I'm so sorry. And Blaine, thank you for your service.
Wow. I was shocked to read this. I'm so sorry this has happened. I will keep your family (as always) in my prayers.
Blaine, Thank you for your dedication and services. You are a true HERO!!!
Kristie Thanks to the military, we have met such great friends.
Love, The Tovey's
Blaine, thank you for your service to our country. Not only did you serve out country proudly but you did it with the cancer monster on your back. The fact that you did do it under those circumstances makes you even more heroic. I truly believe in the theory that when one door closes, another opens. Blaine, you are a good soldier and please don't let any military decision making committee tell you any different. My son has just started in the Army as a 2nd Lieutenant 1 year ago and he has had so many SNAFUs and FUBARs it's not funny concerning his pay and insurance....now that I have heard your story, I'm not sure I'm going to encourage him to re-up in 8 years when he completes his duty for the Army paying for his education.
Kristie, I have no words that adequately express my admiration for you as a supportive military wife who battled cancer with both Blaine and your youngest. You are the unsinkable Molly Brown! Feel free to rant, rave, make Sonic give you free drinks during your bereavement time, etc. You are a strong woman. You have done many things that I just sit back after reading and think, "Maya Angelou must have written that poem Phenominal Woman about Kristie. You are Blaine's touchstone and you will get his through this. Something tells me you all will be the stronger for having this divorce from the military happen. As always, you are in my daily prayers.
I am sorry for the hurt this has caused you and Blaine. I feel pretty danged sure, however, that this is going to work out well for your family. Too many things just falling into place. You are where you want to be location wise while dealing with something so mercurious as the military. You have the house that you want, the school that you want, the family that you want. Blaine will certainly get a job that he wants, maybe right on that base, and end up with a lot more security and pay and pension than being straight air force.
I say this as the sister of a LTC who retired and is as happy as can be now, though it was a tough go at the time.
The airforce has been riffing officers for a while now and it could be that the medical situation actually helped Blaine keep his job this long. My friend's son was riffed before he started right out of AFROTC.
I have faith that this is going to be fine. Hugs to all of you.
Lt. Col Escoe - Thank you so much for your time in service. I wish you and your family all the best, and I am crossing fingers that the GS job works out.
Kristy - I must say I had to laugh out loud in your next post where you mentioned being obnoxious in the commissary. You're gonna be one of *those* people! I know there's always a silver lining; I just love the way you choose to look at things.
Thank you for your service!! I am a supporter of the military, with a son currently serving in Iraq. But WOW can't be deployed and done. What a sad, sad deal. But hold your head HIGH!! You have given more than your share, you have went above and beyond your call of duty and for that THANK YOU!! America needs more people that have the commitment and compassion you and your family have. America, all of us lost one of the best - you. Thanks, there are "GREATER" things coming your way - go get 'em!!
Kristi - thanks for being an inspiration to so many of us. You all deserve great things!!
Sheila - Wisconsin
SO NOT FAIR! I cannot even say anything else because that is all my mind can think right now :(
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