Updated to add: Bob, I have to come to the room steward's defense and assure you she never went through our drawers ... I left that shirt out on the bed. And, us chubby girls wear long-sleeve shirts tied around our waists, even in the Caribbean, because we like to think it helps hide our tummies. Just don't ask me to turn around and see what it does to my behind. :)
Final photos from the cruise, then I'll hush up about it.
Although I would hardly call myself any kind of world traveler, I had still never seen this on a cruise ship before. Once I got over the creep factor, it made me laugh.
Still does.
The work of our room steward on the final night of the cruise:

YIKES! That totallly creeps me out. My favorite was the monkey hanging from the hanger. Did you guys get that one????
Um, yes, that's creepy! We, thank goodness only had critters, not bodies!
Why would you pack a black long sleeve shirt on a Caribian cruise? Wierd having steward going thru your drwers.
That is HILARIOUS!!! Your room steward must have had a heck of a sense of humor!
Mom to Tanner (heart kid)
Aunt to Rebecca, (ALL-T)
I thought it was pretty funny myself...
I have to admit - creepy, but HILARIOUS! I think once I got past the creepiness, I would have cracked up laughing, too! We have been on a couple of cruises and I have NEVER seen or heard of anything quite like that!!!!
Wow...those are cool...ok, a little weird with the sunglasses, but cool!
How's your mom and did she enjoy herself in spite of her broken ankle?
Patricia, Garden City, GA
Creepy and yet totally hilarious!
If you have more good pics don't feel like we are sick of them, post more if you want, I will enjoy looking at more cruise pictures. Also, waiting for an update on Grandma Betty!
Um, yeah, a little creepy... Guess they probably get bored with making cute little animals after the 100th cruise...
WOW!, Ok, creepy, but hilarious. We only got a dog and a swan, lol. Glad you had a good trip. We are planning a family trip to the Mexican Riviera next year. See what you have started.
Sheri in CA
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