...... could buy my children waterproof disposable cameras, and then forget them in the cabin on the day we go snorkeling.
.... would ask my mother to accompany us on this cruise, not knowing at the time that she would be diagnosed with breast cancer only weeks before we traveled, so then in my mind, turning this trip into a relaxing convalescence for her .... resting .... relaxing .... recovering from the breast cancer treatment she just completed ......
and then sit back and watch while she breaks her freaking foot falling into a dingy.

X-rays and casting from the ship's doctor a bonus!!
I'm a ROCKING good daughter, aren't I????
And now, wouldn't YOU like to travel with the Escoes on our next vacation??? Sign ups now!
Oh My Gosh! Here's to hoping that this is not a trickle down effect.
I hope you mom still got to relax
Oh Kristie, thank heavens you are a "glass half full" personality! Rock on with the fam and enjoy the Caribbean!
Robin in Suwanee
You and your mom look JUST ALIKE!!!
Don't forget to let us know what that meal was on the snorkeling trip that was so good!
Poor Grandma Betty! And, I'm rescinding any invitations I may have made for you and/or family to come to Minnesota. Well, you could come and I'd meet you somewhere, but no way am I giving you any sightseeing tours-too dangerous!
Sounds like my kind of vacation!
On the bright side, you'll never run out of blogging fodder :)
Glad you had a great trip.
Hope your Mom has a speedy recovery.
At least you made the best of everything! It looks like you had a great time!
I'm not laughing because this is funny, but it kind of is! Unbelievable type of funny ~ not funny haha! I can NOT believe that happened! The Escoe's have some kind of luck!
Well, it looks like yall are still having a wonderful time and I hope Grandma Betty is getting to at least relax a little bit, now that she is stuck in a wheelchair! And by the way, you are a GREAT daughter/wife/mother! And like someone else said, you will NEVER run out of blogging material at this rate!!
Crap sandwich with a side of suck fries?
Well, vacation with the Escoes would be an "adventure."
Wow. You just gotta laugh. And like someone else said, it gives you PLENTY to blog about! Hoping that only GOOD stuff happens from here to the end...
Your poor Mama...but look at that smile on her face...you guys are the hardiest bunch I know!! Go Grandma Betty!! :-)
Are you sure we weren't switched at birth? That sounds exactly like something I would do (a few years ago I slipped on the floor of our bathroom at work and broke my foot). Tell your mom to just relax and take it easy from here on out!
Why does your mom insist on injuring herself whenever she is visiting? :) She has quite the track record.
Poor Mom! I never knew they had an x-ray machine on board? Cool! Hope no more bad luck comes your way. Maybe the coffee shop has a styro cup? There was a small coffee place on our ship, but it wasn't quite styro, but....maybe???
Are you counting down the days with a paper chain until you get back home?
What an adventure!
I want to sign up! At least there are a lot of laughs...right?!
This is too funny! Only the Escoes could have that kind of luck!!! I broke my foot a few years back slipping on my tile floor. Trouble was I already had a broken arm from falling on that same tile floor. Did I mention we had just put it in a week prior? I was in a wheelchair for 2 months. A cast on my arm and leg. It was summer=HOT.
Tanners mom,(CHD's) Rebeccas Aunt(ALL-T)
My mama always told me, "no matter how bad you think you have it, someone somewhere has it way worse that you could ever imagine."
But, damn.
GO Betty! Please tell her how awesome her smile was to see!!
And yes, you are a rocking mom, daughter, and wife. Stay strong, I know you are.
Tomika in Alabama
Not funny, not funny, not funny, but I am laughing out loud, what next?
I hate to ask what's next?? Hope your mom, and everyone else, is relaxing comfortably with a nice cold beverage. Take care y'all...
OMG!!!! Unbelievable!!! Looks like she still has an upbeat smile. Hope the rest of your trip is uneventful.
Oh come on...you KNOW that doctor was absolutely thrilled to see something other than seasickness and sunburn!! Too bad it couldn't have been just a bad rash to make his day.... :)
I'm so jealous of your adventurous spirit...you couldn't pay me to get on a boat!
Quite honestly, i don't think i want to travel with you guys but i will meet you for a drink. you name the time and place.
Kristie --
Despite some obvious setbacks, the cruise/vacation seems to be a rousing success! That is phenomenal!
I'm sorry your Mom had some additional difficulties but maybe there was a reason for that - what will take your mind off of any problems than an inability to walk???
So far your vacation sounds wonderful despite a few setbacks along the way - my wish for you all is that the rest of your trip is absolutely spectacular!
Oh gosh I am so sorry to hear you mother broke her foot. I hope it mends speedily.
I'm sending you good luck vibes.
Oh my gosh! Your poor mom! Hope you are all able to enjoy the rest of the vacation. Maybe you can borrow another wheelchair and have wheelchair races????
And Kristie, just have a few drink of the days and you won't miss that Sonic cup one bit!
Do you make long shopping list for different stores, and then leave the list at home when you go shopping?
Do you travel 5 hours to have a relaxing weekend, only to find out you left your suitcase at home? Or better, your kids asthma medicine??
You survived, and it looks like you had a good time, and even got some bonuses..LOL
Have a great day!
I think maybe she did it on purpose. Yep, that's it, she was tired of baby-sitting and just wanted to sit by the ship's pool and sip mai tais. Must be. I'm so sorry she had an accident and got hurt! Hopefully y'all will still enjoy the trip, and I wish a speedy recovery.
Oh dear God! Give her a hug and hope the rest of the trip is less eventful!!! Let's have a swim party/slide show when you all get back.
All I can say is what a trooper Grandma Betty is, still smiling with her broken foot! And, what a great momma she must be to have such a devoted daughter.........
Oh my goodness! Poor grandma Betty!! Here's to a speedy recovery for her and a continued great time on the balance of your vacation. Oh, and Kristie, I cant get over how much you look like your mom!
Only you, my friend, only you.
You were with us in Colorado Springs yesterday--in spirit. We drove past a Sonic--the very first one I've ever seen in person. Angels sang and a rainbow appeared over it as we rolled slowly by.
I totally understand the Styrofoam Sonic cup thing. Enjoying the vacation posts! Keep it up.
Wow! Hope you still had fun on your trip. Thoughts and prayers for your mom.
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