He's been attending a wellness and conditioning program this summer sponsored by his school's phys. ed. department, and for the most part, loves it. They "warm up" by running a mile, in the heat. Seriously? That's a warm up?? For me, that would be "prelude to a heart attack" and I'd be done for the day, if not for the week. The kids, however, follow this with more running, and weight training, and
Kellen is tall, and he's fast, but he's not very strong. I mean, when you have so few muscles, and absolutely no fat, that your shadow puts off the image of a pencil at high noon, can you really expect to lift much weight?
But still, it bothered him that so many boys his age were stronger than him, so he came home and declared he wanted to start lifting weights. Before Blaine got sick, he worked out with weights almost every day, and loved it, so he was happy to help.
We provided Kellen with the ultimate in high-tech work out equipment. Nothing is too good for our son. Total pro work out clothing, and top of the line training gear. After all, we are NOTHING if not high class.
Try not to be too jealous.

Very MacGyver-ish!
I would probably drop that right on my face!! Good luck Kellen.
That's great!! I use two large cans of tomato juice for weights so I can't say anything about that get-up. Good luck Kellen!
LOL. :) Great idea!
When my son was Kellen's age I had to stop myself from asking, "Do you have any clothes that would fit a snake?" when we went clothes shopping. He is still very slim at 18, not an ounce of fat on him, but years of lifting weights have paid off. I definitely wanted to give your photo a title, it is too funny, but the creative juices are not flowing this early in the day. I applaud your creativity.
That is just too awesome for words!!! LOL!!!
That is just HILARIOUS!! I laughed so hard -- thanks :)
You guys CRACK ME UP! What a great idea! Good luck Kellen!
YEA!!! I love this....
TOO FUNNY!!!!!!!
That is hilarious...very inventive!
I love it! Dalton is kind of like Kellen in body type (although he doesn't have the hight). He asked for a pull up bar the other day. I guess it's that whole middle school thing.
Duct tape lol.............
You know your a redneck...........
Lisa - sis inlaw in texas
I saw on the side bar that you watched Wiz in preparation for seeing Wicked... have you read the book? Is this your first time seeing Wicked? I just saw it in February and I/we loved it - just loved it. I am so jealous every time I hear someone else is going to see it - I wanted to go again the very next night. ENJOY!!!!!
Kellen is my son just a few years ago...and guess what? ....he is just taller and equally as skinny now.... 6'6" and disappears when he turns sideways...I have a feeling he will not gain weight until he is older....way to older than he'd like!
Happy Summer!
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