And so we did.

I don't really care, though. I mean, it's just hair, right?

So what if he's been growing it out for an entire year? So what if he hasn't had a short, typical-little-boys cut since he was two years old? Hey, I know girls who wear their hair like this on their wedding day!

So what that our friend Jennifer had, at this point, been cutting for ten minutes already and had only gotten him to the "bob" stage .... it's just hair, right?

"Hey, Kellen, the 1990's called. Joey from "Friends" wants his hair back."


Where the HELL did my little boy go??!!??!??

I mean, sure, there's enough hair there to make a concert wig for Hannah Montana, but I had NO IDEA it would change his appearance so much!!! Make him look so ..... so ..... so ..... grown up! ::sob::

Don't get me wrong. I love it. LOVE it. And he loves it, and everyone who has seen it loves it. It's just that .... well .... when we walked in the salon, he was my shaggy-headed elementary boy. Now, he's ..... he's .... he's (gulp!) big and grown up and going into middle school like a YOUNG MAN!!!
Excuse me while I find the phone number for that doctor who does vasectomy reversals.
my son is 12 and has long hair and looks young; after seeing those pics I am making him keep it long! (Although I must admit that he looks exceptionally handsome with his new 'do!)
Debbie E.
Oh my are so right he looks soooo grown up now!!! Love the cut too!
Oh my gosh! It totally changes his are so right, he is a young man now...LOVE it, what a handsome young son you have....Wendy in MN
WOW! My 9-year-old couldn't grow long straight hair if he tried, so I don't know if I will ever see THAT much of a change. But Kellen looks GREAT!!!
Love the haircut! It looks great and I bet it will be so much easier that he will never have it long again. Such a cutie.
His new cut looks wonderful! How very cute he is!
Isn't it amazing how a SHORT haircut makes boys look like men? *Sniff, sniff*
Of course, both my guys have 1 guard haircuts and I love the way they look... and they are 19 & 16 years old. :)
wow Kristie, he looks great. I hate to say it but when I looked at pics I always had to look hard to see which child it it will be easier.
Love the new haircut!
Cindy in Tennessee
He was so cute before but now he's handsome!!
Hallie :)
Oh Wow! He does look so much more grown up. It's amazing that a haircut can transform someone so much. Hang in there Kristie!
OMG he looks amazing. Or as the girls are fond of saying, "Hey smokin hot." I love the new 'do. What a good looking kid. Does he want to marry any of my daughters? They're a little older than him, but...
I love short hair on guys anyway. Good job Kellen!!
OMG it looks so good! He looks all grown up!
He looks so handsome!!!
Totally love it!
That's amazing.. do you wonder why you hadn't done it sooner? He looks amazing.....
He looks great! So so handsome....
I have never liked long hair on boys, not even when mine went through that stage. But I love love love the new cut. Kellen the lady killer!! Watch out Kristie, I see trouble in your future!! :)
WOW!! Love it! He is a doll!
It looks great! I have a long haired boy that needs a cut. He refuses at this point though. We did cut it last summer and his cut made him look younger. Isn't that weird? His long hair makes him look likes 14 and his only 11.
He looks GREAT!!! I am not a big fan of long hair myself...I am glad my boys are still young enough to control it!!
I don't mean to be rude at all but I just have to say... finally! I have been waiting for Kellan to get a haircut it was a bit too long for my liking. That cut sure makes a big difference. My son's hair was never as long as Kellan's but it was longer and shaggy two summers ago and as soon as football season started he buzzed it and I was so happy :)
OMGosh, Kristie! He looks fabulous! I love it. Still remember when my father in law and husband took Justin, at the ripe 'ol age of 3 and got rid of his little boy haircut. I cried!
BTW........also LOVE the leopard print cape he was sporting!
I absolutely LOVE it!! What a handsome guy!! Get ready to fight off the young ladies Kellen!! ;0)
~ Linda from Canada
He does look so much older! And SO CUTE!! What a way to jump into middle school!
L-O-V-E it!! I think the short spikey hair cut is the best on boys...of any age! Gorgeous kid!
I want you to know I said "Oh My" out loud sitting here at my desk!! What a difference - he looks great!! My son has long hair too - I am waiting for this to happen to me as well!!
Kim -
Cypress, Texas
Absolutely love the new hair cut. He looks freaking awesome.
Two thumbs up, Kellen!!
He is absolutely, drop dead gorgeous. You better take your phone number private NOW. I'm not kidding.
Pam D
Tell your son that there is an 11 year old girl in California drooling all over my keyboard. It's too bad she won't be allowed to date until she's 35...
Love it, love it, love it. Have to say I always thought his long hair was great, never realized that short hair on your son could look SO AWESOME!
WOW Love the haircut. Looks great. Hope he can see the ball now!!
You do know that he is absolutely the cutest boy around, don't you? The girls are going to give you so much new blog fodder...because he's going to be chased.
Kellen, that looks amazing!
Wow! He looks amazing! Love the haircut, but I can totally see why your uterus weeps.
He looks so GQ! I love it...and yes it does make him look older and more mature. He is growing up Mom and since my baby just turned 18 I understand the weepy feeling :(
He looks awesome! I love the short hair, I think it brings out their eyes more.
Can I ask what number razor they did the front and back with? Last time they cut my boys' hair too short, before that they didn't cut it short enough. We just moved last year and I have yet to find a barber we like, in our old state the beloved Mr. J just knew what to do without me telling him and spoiled me.
He looks awesome! So handsome!
HOLY COW!!! What a huge difference!! But he looks great. You should be proud, Mom!
We were all in shock at the after photos. He does not at all look like the same kid! But, my goodness he looks handsome.
Oh! My! Gosh!!!!! That is unbelievable!! :)
He looks fantastic, but you're right... more grown up.
Hugs friend!!
Omg...he looks so handsome....and older! Nice haircut :)
It looks awesome!
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the new haircut!!!
Can't believe he did it! My boys were moaning and groaning as we went through the pictures. Jacob was not influenced...Nathan is giving it some thought. We all thought he looks great. I would jump on the band wagon tonight, but now I don't know if I want my babies to grow up?! Tell him we think he looks awesome! :) Kim
It's awesome.
It looks fabulous! If only I could get my 15 year old to cut his! Of course, his doesn't look as good as Kellen's long hair!
OMG!!! I can't believe he did it. Looks great, but so grown up. I love it Kellen:-)
Rena' and kiddos
LOVE it, Love it, Love it, LOVE IT!!!! He's so handsome!
Oh, he looks so handsome!!
Patricia, Garden City, GA
Aww this must be tough. Now, I think i understand a little more why my Mother would have been happy to keep me in a vest until I was 16 and was annoyed when I started to shave my legs aged 13.
He looks great! Awww, big hugs mom.
That is just awesomeness!!! You'll have to beat the girls off with a stick!!! He'll blow away in a strong wind now. How much weight did he lose with that hair cut? Ha ha!! Best get 75 SPF for the ears, neck and forehead that haven't seen the sun for years. Owie!
Wow! He looks great! You better watch out. All the girls in school will be chasing after him.
I LOVE IT! What a cutey! In the pictures with his head down getting it cut, I really can see the resemblence between him and Kendrie! Amazing!
We did this on Tuesday, my heart still breaks from all those curls hitting the floor. Same story, I can't see the ball Mama!
Wow! What a change!! I LOVE the new look. Kellen looks SO grown up! The girls in middle school are definitely going to be after him. Look out Kristie!!
Very, VERY nice!!!! I think a lot of it has to do with the styles that the kids around them wear because his new cut doesn't look "grown up" to me; it just looks like a really nice cut for a young boy.
I give it two thumbs up!
Claire in Indiana
Love it!!!
Kellen is such a handsome young man! Look at that big cheesy grin, he knows he's a hottie.
Mesha in AR
What a handsome boy!!! Beautiful smile, Kellen. :)
Mary Z
Kellen! I LOVE your hair!!!!!!!!!
Holy crap! He could almost pass as the drinking age, lol! Not! I like it both ways, sure is one handsome boy! Hugs from Fort Worth!
He look great - so grown up
Lisa - sis inlaw in texas
Holy Cow! He is so handsome. Now, all the girls are gonna start calling. Make him grow it back!
He looks way too old!
He looks like a teenager.
So. Much. Better. Seriously.
I totally want to sing "Sunrise-Sunset" now but I don't know any of the words.
PS. He's freaking adorable.
WOW - He is gorgeous!
What a handsome young man. Having short hair does totally change his look, but you have to admit, it was probably time - esp if he can't see the football!
Kellen looks great! I personally like his new do!
My 15 year old just got his hair cut like your son's hair while at Band Camp last week. He stated "It was peer pressure!" Great, glad to know after all of our "talks"(read: my preaching) you can stand up for youself with your peers!(not) Anyhow, I feel your pain but like you love my son's hair short! Your son is so very handsome! Those girls are gonna notice! Now, I will go have another "talk" with my son regarding his spaghetti spine.....
My 12yo dd thinks Kellen is a hottie! Wanna road trip to Indiana?
WOW is about all I can say. What a difference!
Where did that little boy go?
Oh my, Kristie. Hope this isn't creepy but he is a little hottie. He looks too grown up!!!!
Wow -- he does look more grown up. Such a handsome boy!!
Diane in Cincinnati
LOVE the cut, he looks so handsome with the new do.
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