1. Wi-fi access is limited to a few select locations on the cruise ship.
2. Only one of those places on the entire ship, the library, has electrical outlets.
3. My computer battery died twice in some of the other locations, an obvious clue that I was spending too much time reading the blogs I’m missing while gone and googling Toxic Audio.
4. Those obnoxious teenagers showed up twice more when I was in the library and I kept leaving, going to places without outlets, computer dying …. Clearly a vicious cycle.
5. I've spent all morning each day at the all-you-can-eat breakfast buffet.
6. I've spent the days doing fun water activities with my kids.
7. I've spent the late afternoons going through the photos Blaine has taken with the camera, aghast at my own image in a swimsuit, appalled at how much weight I've actually gained in the last year ..... the proof right there in pictures.
8. I've spent each night consoling myself at the all-you-can-eat dessert buffet.
9. Um………… I got lazy.
So, a few days late, but here is our day in Samana in pictures:
We took a speedboat (and having actually traveled in a speedboat previously, I use the term loosely ...) to take a cave and mangrove tour with our friends. After all, why did God make caves if not to have small tourists pay money to climb all over the rocks?

As the boat went nearer the caves, all I could think was that the roots on these trees creeped me the hell out. I got a little claustrophobic just looking at them and imagining being caught in them ....... ick.

We toured the caves looking at stalagtites and stalagmites (bonus points for me, I actually remember the difference from junior high) and cave carvings and paintings. This one is a pretty accurate depiction of how I feel most mornings before my first glass of chocolate milk.

These two have been friends since their mothers discovered one another at a Mother's Club in Ohio and put their six-month old butts on the same blanket to stare at one another and drool on each other's toys. Neither time nor distance seems to damper their friendship, and I hope nothing ever does .... Here's to the next eleven years, ok, J?

Then, of course, doing what we've done best this entire time .... eating.

The second half of the day was spent at Cayo Levantado Bay, playing in the water and "diving" for shells and treasures.
A view of the beach area.

My kids, having snorkeled for the first time ever the day before, were of course experts at this point and lamented the lack of marine wildlife to explore ..... but they certainly enjoyed collecting rocks and coral (?) and sea glass (?) I keep putting those question marks because for all I know they were digging up trash, but it made them happy, so I kept quiet.

And of course the most fun part of the day, pitting your 78-lb body against the force of Mother Nature, in the form of waves .... which constantly knock you over, forcing salt water up your nose and in your mouth because you are laughing, yet you just keep doing it over and over ....

And the true highlight of each cruise evening, seeing which towel animal our room steward has left for us before bed. We've had a bat, swan, scorpion, monkey, alligator, pig, and one which we are *pretty sure* was a turtle.

Hey Kristie,
You may have answered this and I haven't seen it but which cruise line are you all on again? Seeing what you are doing and how much fun you are having has made me seriously think that would be a great trip for us next summer!
Looks like so much fun!!!
I'm guessing you are on Royal Caribean because it looks familiar - my husband and I went on a cruise (alone!) about 8 years ago....I'm curious as to what you booked for cabins as I have three children and keep putting off cruising because we really would need two cabins. Did you book two?
I hope im not stepping out of bounds, i never ever post, but i did the other day when i realized they are on the same cruise as my son Zach.... anyway its the Grandeur of the sea by royal carribean. and they are almost back to the home port in Baltimore (where I live) my son just started texting me about 1/2 hour ago, they are in the chesapeake bay. Sorry, i love him, but no emergency, didn't want to pay $2 or more a minute. Made the mistake of sending my credit card with him, we are going to have a serious talk when he gets home....who spends $5.46 for ice cream???
I love towel critters!!!!!!!!!!!!
Did I just see the words "Toxic Audio"? Only THE best a cappella group EVER. They got their start here in Orlando and hubby and I have been following them since the early 2000's. How/where did you get to see/hear them?
Thanks for doing this site about depression. I have you on my Google alert. Glad to see you have such fun with your family. Our happy family was ravaged by depression a few years ago. Nothing could have prepared me for the shock of my husband's suicide attempt of jumping from a hospital window. We just published a book titled NO MORE SECRETS - A FAMILY SPEAKS ABOUT DEPRESSION, ANXIETY AND ATTEMPTED SUICIDE.
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