Sunday, July 22, 2007

Spoiler Alert


Told you so.

It took me slightly longer to finish than I anticipated because I got a wild hair yesterday and decided I needed to re-read HP6, before receiving HP7 in today's mail.

But I'm done. And it was totally worth the crick I'll have in my neck tomorrow from being hunched over for the last day and a half.

Totally. Worth. It.

(PS. Danielle, Daniel, whatever. Although that *would* put a whole new spin on things, wouldn't it?) :)


kim-d said...

You mean to tell me that between Friday and this morning, you read BOTH HP 6 AND 7? If that is the case, you are the Reading Goddess. My question to you is this. I read 1-4 and then, for some reason, just didn't go on with the rest. I loved 1-4. Are 5-7 worth trying to work through my menopausal-mind-short-attention-span to read? REALLY short attention span, mind you. In fact, so short that I don't remember what you "told us so" -- so the spoiler alert didn't pertain to me. HAHAHA! And, by the way, in case I haven't told you lately--YOU ROCK!

Becky, in N. TX said...

What did you spoil?

Anonymous said...

So worth the wait and worth every minute spent reading! I want to start it over right now to catch all the bits I missed for rushing on, but feeing my family must be considered at this point. Jane in Minnesota

Care said...

I finished HP 7 Saturday evening - good thing I read fast because I was not going to put the book down until I finished it. So bittersweet to see it come to an end, but I think 7 was one of the best books of all.

Anonymous said...

What did you spoil????????????

Anonymous said...

I totally agree! I had to read the end first - couldn't wait - and it didn't spoil anything for me! I still was worried and I still cried at certain parts (you know when). I have the feeling that I need to go back and re-read the whole series now with what I know about the backstory from those couple of chapters near the end to see all the clues I never put together. Doubt I'll be able to do that in the three weeks I have before I have to go back to being a teacher, but you never know.

Kim...I would totally read 5-7. IMO they are wonderful!

Julie in Madison, WI

Anonymous said...

My doorbell rang around 9:30 AM on Saturday morning, and I finished it a little after midnight - BUT, I took a 2 hour nap in between, knowing that I'd be up late. I reread book six last week, in anticipation of book seven. I was entirely satisfied with the final outcome, and totally saddened over each death that occurred. I had to go back today and rerad the last few chapters, to solidify in my mind exactly how everything fit together and how everything worked to make the ending logical. I think JKR did a great job of tying up all of the plot threads! I was still hoping for Dumbledore to somehow still be alive, almost to the very end, but, oh well - you can't have everything, right??!! So sorry to see it all end. And Kristie - I bow to your wisdom where Snape was concerned! I don't know which of us finished first, but it sounds like it was pretty darn close!!

Unknown said...

Oh yes -- definitely an amazing read. I was right, too. My sisters and I spent much of the months after Book 6 came out, dissecting all of the information and the other books and trying to figure out what the other horcruxes were, where they were, and where things would take place in this book. We did pretty darn well!

Now I'm going to go back this week and re-read Book 7 much more closely...and then re-read all seven books to catch all of the little details.

There were some very sad moments in this book...some of the deaths were quite shocking and sad. All in all, though, an excellent and fitting end. I'm just glad there are two more movies to go!

Mrs. Flamingo said...

It's AMAZING, isn't it??? I'm still sort of processing everything... yeah, there are things I'd still like to know, but over all, I LOVED IT! LOVED EVERY SINGLE MOMENT. Of course, my husband thinks I'm deranged because when reading it, I would shout, cry, make strange comments like, "Oh, Kreacher, I love you." etc. I think he's looking into therapists for me.

Anonymous said...

The only thing that JKR still didn't answer, through all seven books: where the heck did Harry's parents get all of the gold that they left him?? They died relatively young.....

Anonymous said...

Liz, I feel odd answering you on another person's blog of comments, but JKR said in an interview somewhere that the money was James' it came to him after his parents died an ordinary death. They had him late in life so he didn't have any siblings to fight over it with. That's how Harry ended up with it.