Monday, June 26, 2006


As we drove to the airport, and I dribbled chocolate almond ice cream down the front of my yellow t-shirt, leaving a huge brown blobby stain on my right boob, I thought to myself, “Well, this is unfortunate, but at least it will give me something to blog about.”

When we arrived at the airport, only to discover our flight was delayed by two hours, leaving me to entertain three bored children who thought having a peanut war would be a fun way to pass the time, I thought to myself, “Well, this is unfortunate, but at least it will give me something to blog about.”

When I realized a boy I had gone to high school with was sitting across the waiting area of the terminal from me, and I was too embarrassed to say hello, for fear he would see the big stain on my boob and remember what a slob I am, or worse, pretend not to remember me at all, I thought to myself, “Well, this is unfortunate, but at least it will give me something to blog about.”

When we crowded into the subway-train-thing at the airport, the one that starts and stops incredibly quickly, and I was so busy yelling at my children to grab hold of the rail before the train takes off and throws them to the ground ….. so busy, that I forgot to grab hold of the railing myself, and the train took off, and threw me to the ground, and I managed to knock a few suitcases over on the way down before landing on my face at the feet of a total stranger, I thought to myself, “Well, this is unfortunate (and extremely freaking embarrassing) but at least it will give me something to blog about.”

And then we got on the plane, and I sat next to the nicest young man ever. He was kind to my children, visited pleasantly, happily summoned the flight attendant for us, graciously got out of his seat so we could visit the restroom, pointed out the MTV Real World celebrity sitting three rows up, and even passed our empty cups and trash to the attendant with a smile on his face, and I thought to myself, “Damn. What am I going to write about now?”

But we are home, and unpacked. Final photos of the trip in a day or two, since I’m sure you’re waiting with baited breath.

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