I was flattered that a few of you assumed that I took them myself, but no. Not even with my timer feature and handy-dandy remote control could I manage to get a good family shot like that. At least not yet. A few more classes and maybe I'll be closer.
I have taken photos of friends for Christmas recently, and in years past, and of my nephews and sister's family in an attempt to get pictures of them good enough to send out in their Christmas card. I've done my kids soccer teams before and I was asked to do my nephew's baseball team photos last year which was fun .....
But I had never actually been hired -- as in, PAID MONEY -- until recently, when one of the moms at the soccer field asked if I would do their team photos, and some candid action shots of the girls at practice. I mean, the players were five years old, it's not like *they* care how the pictures turned out, but I really wanted the parents to be happy.
It went ok, and the exciting part? I made $81.00. Eight-one dollars!! I mean, it's barely enough to pay one months worth of cell phone bill, but it was still pretty exciting to actually make a profit. I thought about framing that first one dollar bill --- then realized that would make me even dorkier than I already am. Eighty-one bucks. Considering I've been a stay-at-home mom since Brayden was born, that works out to about one-billionth of a cent per hour for the past twelve years. Hmmmm. Wonder if I'll have to pay social security on that?
And since I don't know these girls or their families personally, it wouldn't be right for me to show you the images on this blog.
Well, ok. Except for this one. Because how stinkin' cute is this kid???

Kristie...That is funny. Are you on Facebook? My husband found a badge for me online. It said "I do many things well, just nothing that pays."
I've been at home with kids since 1996. I worked from home from 1996 through 2002, but since then I have been a SAHM. I wonder about what to do in the future. I want a job with school hours, but don't want to teach. My youngest is 5 and my oldest are 10 and 12, so I want to be at home when each gets home from school. So, here I sit staring at the computer...hey may be I can make some money on this new-fangled internet.
I love it!! And in all pink!! Girl soccer players rock!
I see a future career for you!! $81 is $81. I'll take it any day. And, yes, that girl is way cute. I love that their jerseys are all pink. Madison always got neon yellow or dark green or some other ugly color.
Good gosh, that one pic was worth more than $81!! I believe you've found a new VOCATION (not hobby!). Remember the blog I sent you of my sister-in-law's work; she's done a good number of paid jobs now, and it's a nice backup to her teaching job.
I love that she's kicking for all she's worth, and yet the ball sits. Cute! Great picture.
i love this picture so much!
I have my first paying photo shoot on Monday afternoon. I'm a bit nervous. My plan is to just take about 523 pictures and hope for 10 good ones! Any tips?
OMG Love the little pink uniforms and shoes. So cute.
Aww. How adorable is she?!?!!
so stinkin cute!!!!
GREAT shot - they are SO hard to get!
Oh my gosh, those pink uniforms are the cutest girly thing EVER!!
Speaking of making money, I also just made my FIRST money in 13 1/2 years by working the election..combined with the two hour training session, I made a whopping $196, which I promptly went and spent on the kids :-) It DID feel good, however! The Canadian government barely recognizes SAHM's as humans, you get NUTHIN' for being a SAHM, nada, zip, zilch. It's so wrong :(
Congrats on your first paying photog job, hope there are many more! Great photo, by the way :-)
Cute pic of an adorable little girl!
I started doing paid shoots last year, and I am absolutely loving it! I'm sure that once people see the quality of your work, you'll be doing the same thing!
Love the pink!!! That is adorable!
I would DEFINITELY pay for you take our family photos Kristie--- And that little princess is too cute!!!!
I have been foloowing your blog for a little while and my thoughts are with you! Hope the last trip is the last trip for Blaine!
I love your messages.... funny, thoughtfull, realistic...a bit of everything!!
Keep it up!
I came across your blog via another. My daughter has battled leukemia aml since age 2. She is now nearly 9. She had a bone marrow transplant in 2004. The title of your blog caught my eye. My google blog is more on my own personal thoughts and right now a current situation but her site is
I wish your family all the best.
On the note of the picture, that is an awesome picture of the little girl!!!
Everyone is right:)
Tracy Solomon
This is nothing to do with your recent posts but the girls under 17 soccer world cup final was played yesterday only 10 minutes from home. I went along with a USA flag and cheered your team on for you. Sorry to say I wasn't much help but hey 2nd sort of rocks. The skill level was a real eye opener girls can do anything.
I so thought you HAD taken those family pics. I was super impressed with your skilz. Woo-hoo for the paying gigs!
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