Saturday, September 02, 2006


I’ll update on her birthday extravaganza (that’s about the biggest exaggeration on the planet) complete with photos tomorrow, but for today I’ll leave you with a few brief glimpses into my day:

HAPPIEST MOMENT OF MY DAY: When our family was eating at Steak & Shake tonight for dinner (hey, it’s where the birthday girl chose) and a family with two teenage boys walked in. Kendrie took one look and announced, “Oh, he is a HOTTIE!” Blaine looked at me and telepathically, we communicated the same message to one another: Thank goodness, she likes boys.

SECOND MOST EMBARRASSING MOMENT OF MY DAY: Every moment after that we were at dinner, because Kendrie kept staring at that boy (“But mom, I’m not staring, I’m just watching him with my eyes”) and announcing how hot he was, and did he have a cell phone so she could call him, etc. I’m sure the boy was very confused about his potential 7-yr old stalker.

SINGLE MOST EMBARRASSING MOMENT OF MY DAY: When I got up at the restaurant to check on Brayden, making the comment to Blaine that “She sure has been in the bathroom a long time” and got half way across on the restaurant when Kendrie yelled at me, “She might be POOPING! Sometimes it takes me a long time, too!”

On second thought, that should be Kendrie’s most embarrassing moment. And then she wondered why that teenage boy didn’t seem too impressed with her calf-eyes and mooning over him all night.

Poor Nicholas. Overthrown for an older man.

1 comment:

Ashley H. said...

Holy piss...that was funny stuff. Sounds like something my little heathens would do. I used to "read you" all the time, and then lost all the links on my old computer, got put on bedrest, and all sorts of other stupid and lame excuses. Just had the ingenius idea today to google-search Kendrie, and here I am! Glad to be "back." Hope you had an awesome Easter!