Wednesday, October 21, 2009

*Maybe* Elvis has left the building???

"AGH! Can you post the entire url, I cannot access the link you gave. :( "

Oh, ok.

Try here.

Or just go to www dot notquitewhatihadplanned dot com directly.

And then leave me a message letting me know it worked.

Because I haven't gotten a single comment since I made the switch.

Not one.

Even my most boring posts EVER usually warrant a comment or two, even if its to tell me how boring they are.

So either the new site is de-funct, or everyone hates it --- which would really suck for me.

Or maybe my mic is not working ... hello? Hello?

Is this thing on????

Updated to add:

"the site is working but there is not a comment says no comment in fact."

Well, what *should* happen is that you can click on "no comment" and then you get the opportunity to leave one. Then once one person does, it should say "1 comment" .... etc. Hopefully someone will leave a comment and we can see if its working properly! :)

Updated again to add:

"I sent you a comment yesterday and it told me that it was awaiting moderation.??????? Love the new site."

Oh. Em. Gee. I. AM. A. MORON!!!! I didn't even KNOW I had to approve the comments!!! Ha!

See, here's where I'll confess: my feelings were a teensy bit hurt that I didn't think anyone was going to the new site, or that no one even noticed I had changed things over. I kept thinking, "I know I've been neglecting the blogger site and not posting as regularly, but wow, people just dropped off like flies! I'm ready to start posting regularly again, and nobody even noticed???"

Now I go over and realize I have 23 comments waiting on me -------- how funny is that? How funny am I? And by "funny", I mean "incredibly stupid" :)

Well, excuse me, I'm off to approve some comments. :)


Bonitai In Az said...

the site is working but there is not a comment says no comment in fact.

sportzmom said...

I sent you a comment yesterday and it told me that it was awaiting moderation.??????? Love the new site.

Jane Copes (Professor Sepoc) said...

I left a message at the new site, but what showed up was missing capital letters (which I DID put in) . . . and waiting moderation. Jane

Anonymous said...

I left a comment also, and it said they same thing......awaiting moderation.

Elizabeth said...

I can view the new site if I go manually but when I try to subscribe in google reader it says no sites match that URL?

Unknown said...

comment! :) Im here just busy!

Stephanie D. said...

WAAAAH! My work laptop will not let me log on -- it has banned the site which is really wierd since obviously I can get on your old site. :(

Unknown said...

I love reading your blog. I just never have commented. I must confess, I did not notice the change, but then, I might be sleep-walking!