Thursday, November 13, 2008


You guys *do* know I was being sarcastic about the eyes, don't you?

I mean, sure, they're red and watery and discharging and he looks like Cheech Marin after a long night alone with his bong pipe .....

But I'm sure it's just irritation.

Or pinkeye.

Or he finally realized what a wonderful woman I am and how lucky he is to have me and so every time he looks at me his ears tear up with the joyful wonderfulness of amazement at his good fortune.

Or radiation blindness.

Um, yeah.

I'm guessing irritation.


Anonymous said...

"every time he looks at me his ears tear up with the joyful wonderfulness of amazement at his good fortune." I really didn't know "Ears" could tear up....but what do I know?? Anyway Prayers are being sent up for Blaine's eyes and ears:)

Pam D said...

Ummm, really Kristie, after everything that's happened to Blaine, SHOULD we have known that you were just kidding? Heck, you could have told us that a stray beam went south and now his willie is fallin' off, and we would believe you! Because, if it COULD happen, well dang it, it just might. well, maybe not the last thing (sorry, Blaine... just kidding!!!).

Tammy said...

Yeah, I think your right, he's just now noticing how pretty and wonderful you are, and is tearing up those ears, lol! Get him some tissue, he's a pretty tough cookie, I think he'll make it, he was bound to notice you sooner or later, right?

Anonymous said...

Well, I thought you were being sarcastic, but then like pam said: you just never know. I am glad it was purely sarcasm, though! "Pheww"
Still, the irritation cannot be any fun for Blaine, so I hope it clears up quickly for him!