Thursday, July 14, 2005

8 Years Old

I watched my 8-yr old daughter coloring pictures earlier this week, and she had drawn and colored a very elaborate sketch of herself and her two best friends from 2nd grade, holding hands and wearing very fashionable clothes with very fashionable hair, one blonde, one brown, and one black, almost like a Jr. Miss version of Charlie’s Angels, and I was reminded that my daughter is very creative.

I watched my 8-yr old daughter singing songs from her Cheetah Girls CD in the van today, tossing her hair about as she announced to the world that “I don’t wanna be no Cinderella” and I realized my daughter is indeed creative.

I saw a picture my 8-yr old daughter had drawn and colored of some incredibly creepy villain from the Star Wars movies she is now obsessed with, thanks to her idiotic father renting them from Blockbuster and letting all three kids watch them when I was gone for the day (but that’s another journal entry for another day) and although the picture of the villain gave *me* the heebie-jeebies, it was actually quite good, and colorful, and detailed, what with the spikes coming out of his face and all, and I realized my daughter is truly, honestly, creative.

I listened as my 8-yr old daughter regaled her younger sister with a re-telling of the time last year she got to ride a horse at a friend’s birthday party:

Brayden: “And remember, Mom, how I got to take my turn riding that horse and he was really big?”

And I said yes.

Brayden: “And remember how half-way through the party the wind started blowing really, REALLY hard?”

And I said yes.

Brayden: “And remember how the napkins started blowing off the table and flying around?”

And I said yes.

Brayden: “And remember how one of the napkins flew right in front of the horses’ face, and scared the horse, and it went up way high on its back two legs, and I had to hang on for dear life????”

Me: “Ummm, no. That didn’t happen.”

Brayden: “Oh yes it did! I was holding on to his mane with my bare hands and trying not to fall off!”

Me: “Ummm, no. That didn’t happen.”

Brayden: “Did too. You just didn’t see it.”

And I realized my daughter is not so much creative, as she must be a pathological liar. Or maybe it just goes with the territory of being 8 years old?


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